Thursday, November 17, 2011

What does it mean to submit?

Submit? This word has always been one that I not only was confused by but also found myself in fear of it. For there are many who have taken this word out of context causing me to stay away from this word due to the lording over one. God has not called man to lord over a human but to shepard and when we as leaders lord over a human the word is abused.
I chose to write on this subject due to a recent experience that caused me to understand what submission is all about. I also have supplied you with the meaning of the word from the dictionary which states: To yield or surrender (oneself) to the will or authority of another.
Then I went a little deeper for we have heard women submit to your husbands, and even in that for some it has become abusive. I've interviewed some men and asked what did they believe that meaning is all about and 2 out of 10 men felt it was for the women to do whatever the man said without any back talk. Of course this amused me for I found in my conversation with these individuals it wasn't still clear of submission not even to them. For there statement was still under lordship.
It was at a service of worship that I found what true submission means to me. I invited a man of God to be a speaker at a revival and during the service I clearly heard the Spirit of the Living GOD tell me this service is to be of healing no preaching. So as I approached what GOD has spoke to me, the GUEST decided he wanted me to collect the offering. I of course was offended for I am not called by man but by GOD. It was during this time my attitude almost got the best of me, but I heard GOD say submit to the church. I had to bite my tongue and humble myself and keep moving as I was being led by GOD. I will never interfere with the Holy Spirit and it was shown to me how many was praying against me as Apostle, but Heaven backed me. I found that true submission for me has been under the authority of the Holy Spirit by yielding and being ready for the Master's use. I thank GOD for allowing me to experience such things for I understand that to submit is a powerful thing. It made me understand that Jesus was the first to submit when He came from a high place to go to a low one. I pray that each leader really gathers information from the Holy Spirit to understand we have the perfect example of submission by what Jesus has already done and continues to do for the world.

1 comment:

  1. Submission to me is to work under the authority of the Lord..if that is the case... and it is...I will be okay even if my flesh(carnal man) is screaming to the contrary.
