Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Deliverance in the church today is needed

Greetings to all brethren, I am so hurt at this time about what is going on in the church. We talk about being Kingdom, but who's kingdom do will assist? If what your doing is not bringing light then are your walking in righteousness? If you preach a gospel that doesn't cut out sin in the life of GOD's people then what kingdom are you assisting?
So many times we get caught up with cliches and Christianize that we miss what the gospel is all about. JESUS came for the sick, lost and broken. He died for the world, leaving the saint to win souls, but the church has lost the value of Holiness. If we are pumping people up with praise and worship, giving a few words of feel good then we are not doing our job. For the word of GOD is living and powerful and cuts and changes the lives of people.
If your going to church and coming out with a temporary fix, life isn't changing you are not in a place with the anointing. Please take a stand BECOME A ROYAL-PRIESTHOOD BY A LIFE STYLE NOT JUST WORD REPRESENT THERE REALLY IS GOOD IN THE HOOD AND FOLKS WANT TO BE SAVED AND SET FREE CHURCH STOP KILLING FOLKS.

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