Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I am glad I am saved

As I continue to grow in Christ from the reading of the word, and building my relationship with Jesus I must thank God that I am saved. Each elevation has become more strategic, yet determine to run this race no matter what the opposing team brings I am falling deeper in love with Jesus. I am glad I am saved.
I went on vacation with two women who say they believe, but I realized that I am living a spirit filled life and they are carnal minded Christians. It was in there dark moments that I had to say and will continue to say I am glad that I am saved. I'm not pretending nor do I want my good spoken evil of. The integrity, the loyalty, the royal part of being a Kings daughter means the most to me. I never knew how far from the truth they live because of how they was raised, it has caused them to believe by there works there saved. That is so far from the truth. Even evidence of speaking in tongues was not used in there culture. I will continue to pray that the true and living God exposes them to the truth of who he is for them to taste and see how sweet He is. In this time we can't be apart of what is dark and not be effected by it in some for or fashion. For some it may be good, for others it may cause them to lose what they worked so hard for. I just want to say I AM GLAD I AM SAVED. IT IS THE BLOOD COVERING AND HIS LOVE THAT KEEPS ME GOING. THINK IT NOT STRANGE WHEN THE FIERY TRIALS COME TO TRY YOU.
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